Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Converging and Diverging Lenses

At the beginnng of class we wrote a 10 question true and false quiz on the questions we inquired about that were presented and posted on the Wiki Page.

We then carried onto reviewing our sheets on what we learned in Tuesdays class; Contact Lenses, Eye Glasses, Artificial Lens, and Lasik Laser Eye Surgery.

As a class we inquired on several strange aspects of human eyes. We learned that when you die your pupils will in fact dilate because the muscles associated with your iris lose it's ability to control movement and becomes locked in a retracted state where the pupils appear to dilate. Then on Youtube we viewed a video of a man vibrating his eyes. Following that, we watched videos of a man who is capable of popping out his eyes by having strong control over his eye muscles.

We then took notes on Lenses - Converging and Diverging.

Lenses have curved surfaces or a very large number of flat surfaces located at slightly different angles

Converging/Convex Lense - (position lense) : thicker at the centre than at the edges

Diverging/Concave Lense - (negative lens) : thicker at the edges

After taking notes we analyzed a sheet of four different ray diagrams on converging and diverging lenses. By viewing these ray diagrams we were able to come up with three consistant rules that apply to every ray diagram:

1) The ray will go parallel and through F
2) The ray will go through F' and then parallel
3) The ray will go straight through O

Sorry I couldn't make it to class today Mr. Banow!! The next person to write a blog whoever who came latest to class... lol could be a few a options.

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