Sunday, 30 October 2011

Locating and Finding the Number Images Through Mirrors at Any Angle

Last day we went over the laws of reflection.
The laws are:
- The angle of incidence is always equal to the angle of reflection.
- The incident ray, reflected ray and the normal all lie in the same plane.
We also looked at how to locate images from a point object and from a larger object.
Point Object(left) Large Object(right)

Today, we looked at how to find the number of images formed for one object when two mirrors are at any angle.

The equation for this type of problem is:

a) 45 degrees- N= 360/45-1= 7 images
b) 180 degrees- N= 360/180-1= 1 image
c) 100 degrees- N= 360/100-1= 2.6 images
d) 0 degrees- N= 360/0-1= undefined

Then we learned how the eye sees the middle image when two mirrors are set at 90 degrees with an object places in the center of the mirrors. We found that the middle image does not actually exist. But, it is a reflection from either the first or second image.

The last thing we looked at was how the human eye can see images by looking through a periscope. We learned that the image from the top mirror is laterally reversed, but the bottom mirror reverses the image from the top mirror, resulting in an image that is normal.

The next person to write the blog will be Hilgy's :)

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