Thursday, 2 February 2012

Physics in the News Assignment

This assignment is due Wednesday, February 8.

Physics is around in the news all the time. 

Just last January Saskatchewan decided to invest money in researching how to create medical isotopes without using a nuclear reactor.

Your assignment is to find a news article relating to some aspect of Physics from the past year. 

  • Print out or cut out the article
  • Write a summary or explanation of the article in your own words
  • Compile your article and your written portion into a display/poster that can hang on the wall

This assignment will be marked on the following criteria:
  • The article is recent and relevant  /2
  •             * Provide the link/reference
  • The summary is in your own words  /2
  • The summary clearly explains the content of the article  /4
  • The display is visually appealing  /2

Total /10