Thursday, 29 September 2011

The Transmission and Reflection of Waves

To begin class we were given time to finish up any work left on our slinky lab called Transmission and Reflection of Transverse Waves. Many slinkies were tangled resulting in Mr. Banow getting upset. By the time we got through this lab we had just enough time to write some lovely notes.

According to Mr. Banow, when a wave hits a fixed end it reflects inverted (on the opposite side). The properties of the medium also affect the speed of the wave, or velocity. A good example of this is: the speed of water waves depends on the depth of the water.

In some cases the medium is constant. When this happens waves with a high frequency will result in a short wavelength and waves with a low frequency will result in a long wavelength.

From our slinkies we learned that the wave never really slows down, just dies out. In other words, amplitude does not affect a wave's speed. But, the more energy there is the longer the amplitude is. The reason for energy being lost is less friction.

The next blog will be written by the winner of a rock paper scissors tournament between Taylor, Cody, and Rachel. :)

1 comment:

  1. The reason for energy being lost is less friction. should really read--> The reason for energy being lost is friction.
