Tuesday, 20 December 2011


We began class by reviewing applications of optics:
Stereoscopic Vision
    We are able to perceive our depth perception by the use of binocular vision. An object must be imaged by two cameras to view a 3D image as each of our eyes receives a different image, This can be done by the use of anaglyphs, color filter glasses and a head mount display. 
     Microscopes use converging lenses to magnify objects too small for the eye to see. To obtain larger images two or more lenses are combined to make a simple compound microscope. 
     Two converging lenses in a projector refract light so that an object is uniformly illuminated. The object is placed a distance of one of two focal lengths in front of the projection lens, resulting in a large real image. 
     Light enters a camera lens system and strikes a plane mirror. Light is reflected up to the pentaprism where total internal reflection guides the light through the viewfinder. When the photograph is snapped the mirror lifts up and allows light to strike the film. 

     We then wrote our quizzes on ray diagrams and thin lens equations as well as discuss various eye prescriptions. If you have 20/20 vision, it means that when you stand 20 feet away from an object you see what the 'normal' person sees at 20 feet. Examples of prescriptions are -3.5, 7.1. 

Opticians prefer to use the optical power P of a lens instead of a focal length. Power is measured in diopters (D).

P= 1/f

f must be in meters to have P to be in Diopters. 
The optical power is positive for converging lens and negative for diverging lenses. The higher the optical power the shorter the focal length. 

1. A nearsighted person can focus on objects no father than 20.0 cm from the eye. What power of a lens is needed to enable the eye to focus the eye on distant objects clearly?
First identify whether they need a converging or diverging lens. 

Diverging. Object is distant. 
do= infinity
f= ?
di= -20.0com

1/di+ 1/do = 1/f
1/-20 + 1/infinity =i/f 

= 0

The next person to go must be the quickest at saying the alphabet backwards. :)

Monday, 19 December 2011


We were given class time to finish the Thin-Lens Practise Problems. Here are the answers:
  1. di= 36cm hi= -3.6cm
  2. di= -15cm hi= 2.5cm
  3. a)di= 510cm b)hi= -62.5
  4. di= -30cm hi= 1.8cm
  5. di=do= 5.0cm
  6. di= -14cm f=4.7cm
The class was then given an assignment from the textbook; read pages 396-399, write two paragraphs summarizing telescopes and one type of telescope and draw the diagrams for each type of telesscope.
To view distant objects such the moon and stars with detail, two or more lenses must be used together. The images are smaller but since they are much closer they appear larger.
Galilean Telescope

This telecope uses both converging and diverging lenses. The image produced is virtual, upright and larger.
Reflecting Telescope
Refracting Telescope

This telescope uses two converging lenses. The image produced is virtual, inverted and larger.
Terrestrial Telescope
This telescope uses three converging lenses, the third lens located in the middle (erector lens) has the purpose of inverting the image so it is upright like the object. Images produced are virtual, upright and larger.
The next blog writer will be anybody who has not written and sits by the windows of the classroom

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Thin Lens Equation

We started off Friday's class with Mr. Banow showing us how to derive the thin lens equation. Here is the link to the website: http://www.hirophysics.com/Anime/thinlenseq.html

The thin lens equation is:
1/di+1/do=1/f (which is exactly the same as the curved mirror equation)


The sign rules are:
1. All distances are measured from the optical center
2. Distance of real images (behind the lens) are positive (virtual=negative)
3. Inverted=negative magnification, upright=positive

1. A 8.0cm tall pencil is placed 17cm in front of a converging lens (with focal length of 10.0cm). How far and how tall will the image be?



2. Where must a book be placed in front of a magnifying glass (converging, f=10.0cm), if a virtual image is to be formed 25cm in front of the lens? What is the magnification?




I don't know who is left to write the blog so whoever's last name comes first alphabetically of who is left can write it:)

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Properties of Images

When the focal length is positive, the lens is converging. When the focal length is negative, the lens in diverging.
When stating the properties of an image there are generally four. Images are classified by their position, kind, attitude, and magnification.
Don't forget to draw your three lines when drawing a diagram!
Distant: The image is behind the lens and at F. The image is real as well as inverted and smaller than the object.
File:Converging lens object far.png
Outside F`: The image is behind F and real. It is also the same size and flipped.
At F`: When there is an object at the focal length of a converging lens there is never an image.
Between F` and O: A virtual image that is in front of F will occur. The image is also larger then the object and upright.
Distant: The image is positioned in front of the lens at F. The image is also virtual as well as smaller than the original object. It remains upright when the light hits the lens.
Outside F, At F, Between F and O: The image is smaller, virtual, upright, and between F and O.
I pick.... jk i dont care who writes the next blog!

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Converging and Diverging Lenses

At the beginnng of class we wrote a 10 question true and false quiz on the questions we inquired about that were presented and posted on the Wiki Page.

We then carried onto reviewing our sheets on what we learned in Tuesdays class; Contact Lenses, Eye Glasses, Artificial Lens, and Lasik Laser Eye Surgery.

As a class we inquired on several strange aspects of human eyes. We learned that when you die your pupils will in fact dilate because the muscles associated with your iris lose it's ability to control movement and becomes locked in a retracted state where the pupils appear to dilate. Then on Youtube we viewed a video of a man vibrating his eyes. Following that, we watched videos of a man who is capable of popping out his eyes by having strong control over his eye muscles.

We then took notes on Lenses - Converging and Diverging.

Lenses have curved surfaces or a very large number of flat surfaces located at slightly different angles

Converging/Convex Lense - (position lense) : thicker at the centre than at the edges

Diverging/Concave Lense - (negative lens) : thicker at the edges

After taking notes we analyzed a sheet of four different ray diagrams on converging and diverging lenses. By viewing these ray diagrams we were able to come up with three consistant rules that apply to every ray diagram:

1) The ray will go parallel and through F
2) The ray will go through F' and then parallel
3) The ray will go straight through O

Sorry I couldn't make it to class today Mr. Banow!! The next person to write a blog whoever who came latest to class... lol could be a few a options.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Correct Correction of Correct Correctness

...this title makes sense if you think about it.

In today's class, Mr. Banow set up four stations, each concerning a topic relating to eye correction:
  • Contact Lenses
  • Eye Glasses
  • Artificial Lenses
  • LASIK - Laser Eye Surgery

Contact Lenses

Contact Lenses are thin, transparent discs that sit on the cornea that can correct hyperopia (far-sightedness), myopia (near-sightedness), astigmatism, and presbyopia.

There are many different kinds of contact lenses, each with a different function. The six different types are daily-wear, extended-wear, disposable, colour-tinted, UV protection, and corneal reshaping.

Eye Glasses

Eye glasses are lenses that are attached to a frame. There are several different type of glasses:

  • Corrective - changes the focal length in order to correct defects such as myopia or hyperopia
  • Bifocal - allows for two different focal lengths so one can see near and far objects; the division is clearly visible
  • Trifocal - similar to bifocal lenses, but with three different focal lengths
  • Progressive - similar to bifocal, but the division is not visible as the lens is gradually changed
  • Safety - used to protect the eye from physical damage
  • Sunglasses - protects the eye from UV radiation
  • Special - used for special functions, such as 3D red-cyan anaglyph glasses

Glasses are also made out of many different materials, such as crown glass, plastic, polycarbonate, Trivex, and high-index plastic. The material is chosen based on what the glasses are used for.

The lenses are either converging lenses (to treat myopia) or diverging lenses (to treat hyperopia).

The different types of lenses.

Artificial Lenses

Artificial lenses are replacement lenses for your eye. The two types are intraocular lens (IOL) and Crystalens. The Crystalens is considered to be superior because it can be manipulated by the ciliary muscles, but it costs more and requires a more intensive surgery.

LASIK - Laser Eye Surgery

LASIK is a medical surgery used to correct hyperopia, myopia, and astigmatism. A laser is pulsed on an exposed cornea, removing corneal tissue, therefore, reshaping it.

Procedure of LASIK:

  1. Make an incision in the cornea to make a flap
  2. Fold the flap back to expose the cornea
  3. A laser is pulsed at the exposed cornea
  4. The flap is replaced and any wrinkles or bubbles are smoothed
The surgery itself will only take a few minutes. The cornea will naturally seal back into place in a few hours and will completely heal in a matter of days.

At the end of class, we were instructed to watch a video from the Mythbusters Pirate Special. It can be found here if you have not already seen it.

The next blog will be written by whoever can figure out the title first!

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Eye Projects

We started class by talking about our presentations and what we have to do, after that we moved on to Mr. Banow talking about how to make a wiki page. Following that we went to the computer lab for about 50 minutes to work on the projects.

And that is literally all we did that class, so not much to write about.. But there ya go :)

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Vision, eyes.. and other stuff

In the begging of class we reviewed the last blog post (as usual)
and then started with a quiz that was based on the sheet we were given last class. (the human eye)

Next we also reviewed over our Animal vision booklets we had received the previous class.
Then we began all of the presentations on Eye Defects, where everyone was given a topic to research on eye defects and make a presentation about.
We learned a lot in the presentations:

Amblyopia (lazy eyes): the lack of
perfect vision.
usually blur vision in the effected eye. one eye or even both eyes wander to different spots and blur the vision. most patients don't notice the difference in vision but some people notice the eyes wondering to different
things in the room.

Treatments: patching the good eye or instilling tropical atropine in the eye for better vision.

Cataracts: A clouding that develops

in the lens of the eye. this can be caused by aging, ultra violet light, diseases (such as: diabetes) and others.

eye surgeries ECCE and ICCE
wearing sunglasses
and more

Myopia: near sightedness,

where the eyeball is longer that it normally should be which effects
the way light enters the eye.
can be caused hereditary.

corrective lenses
laser eye surgery

Colour Blindness:
inability to distinguish betweencertain colours, is
more common in men because it is effected by the X gene if it is damaged which would be more common in males. can be hereditary.

corrective lenses
contact lenses

when the cornea is abnormally curved and you cannot see properly. common in people who are near sighted.

corrective lenses
laser surgery

To end class Mr.B suggested another assignment involving presentations

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Monday, 5 December 2011


We started a new unit on optics last week and then were given a handout on the human eye. It included a labelled diagram that I have here:

Not sure why it's sideways..

Some important information that we took away from that handout was that:
1. The cornea causes light to bend (refract) at the surface of the eye.
2.The lens, whose shape or curvature, is controlled by the ciliary muscles and suspensory ligament, causes light to undergo even more refraction. The lens of the eye focuses light.
3. The iris located behind the aqueous humour and in front of the lens contracts or expands to change the size of the pupil. The size of the pupil is altered to let in different amounts of light.
4. The vitreous humour helps maintain the shape of the eye.
5. The white surface of the eye is called the sclerotic (sclera).
6. The retina is located at the back of the eye. It is light sensitive. The surface of the retina is where the lens focuses images to be transmitted to the brain. The retina contains different types of light-sensitive receptors called rods and cones. Rods are sensitive to dim light and do not respond to colour. Cones are sensitive to bright light and colour.
As an interesting note, all people have a dominant eye. The second eye is mainly used for depth perception.

After that we found our near point as well as our blind spot. The near point of an eye us the closest an object can be to your eye and still be clearly focused. For the average adult eye it is 25 cm although when we did ours as a class most people got numbers around 5-12 cm. The blind spot is located at the back of the eye near the optic nerve. There are no receptors located here which means that we cannot see anything on that spot.
I believe it was Thursday when we watched the cow eye dissection and if anyone is still interested in Katie's crazy antics, I have the link for the site. http://www.exploratorium.edu/learning_studio/cow_eye/
 The next handout we received was one on animal vision. We learned that dogs have a visual field of 240, and humans only have a visual field of 200 which means dogs are able to see a more broad image. This is because their eyes are located on the sides of their head and humans eyes are located on the front of their heads. Dogs cannot distinguish colours like we can because they only have 20% the photoreceptors we do. That means they can only see a limited colour spectrum.

Dogs also have a hard time seeing fine detail. The objects need to be large in order for them to see them otherwise it is all a blur to them.

Today we worked on our power point presentations which we will be showing the class tomorrow.

I don't know what's going on with the people and blogs, so..nobody has to write one ever again.
Jk Mr.Bananow, you can pick.